Sound Healing & Gentle Yoga

Sound Healing & Yoga

Unwind and restore your evenings as we transition into a harmonious blend of sound therapy and yoga. 

In the first part of the class, participants will engage in slow, mindful movements, promoting flexibility and relaxation. 

We will then immerse ourselves in the healing vibrations of Tibetan Singing Bowls, entering into a deeper state of restoration. 

This practice is recommended for anyone seeking a healing experience and a return to a mindful state of being. Everyone is welcome, no previous experience working with sound or meditation is required. 

Please come in comfortable exercise attire and bring own yoga mat.

SAFRA Jurong

Schedule Sat, 9am to 10am
  • 3 Aug
  • 10 Aug
  • 24 Aug
  • 31 Aug
  • 7 Sep
  • 21 Sep
  • 28 Sep
  • 5 Oct
Course fee per session*
(Based on 8 sessions)

SAFRA Member: $27.25
Guest: $32.70
Course fee – Adhoc*
(Based on single session)

SAFRA Member: $43.60
Guest: $52.32

Min. Pax 4 pax 
*All fees stated include prevailing taxes.

Register now via m.SAFRA, SAFRA Mobile App or any SAFRA Club Customer Service Counter.

For more information, please email us at