EduGrove Mandarin Enrichment Centre


EduGrove Mandarin Enrichment Centre offers quality Mandarin programmes to playgroup toddlers from 1 year old; students in kindergarten, primary and secondary levels; and even to adults trying to learn to speak a new language. EduGrove also specializes in teaching Mandarin to students from international schools and students from non-Mandarin speaking families.

Designed to break away from the rigid way in which Mandarin is traditionally taught, our programmes put the emphasis on FUN! To ensure that every element of learning remains FUN, as well as ENGAGING, and most important of all EFFECTIVE, we use specially designed word games, drama techniques (including improvisation and role-play) and stimulating discussion sessions during which students are encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas. Our revolutionary methods, award winning curriculum and dedicated teachers have a proven track record of delivering results while igniting every student’s passion for learning the language


Operating Hours

Monday – Friday: 10am – 10pm

Saturday & Sunday: 9am – 7pm

SAFRA Member Benefits

Waiver of registration fee for new sign up (U.P. $54)

Terms & Conditions

  • Please present valid SAFRA card in person upon ordering or purchasing of product(s) or service(s).
  • Not valid with other promotions, privileges, discount cards and promotional vouchers, whichever is applicale.
  • SAFRA is not an agent of the merchant. Any dispute regarding the quality or service standard must be resolved directly with the respective merchants. SAFRA will not assume any liability or responsibility for the acts of the merchants or any defects in products or services offered in the promotion.

Contact Information

Telephone-icon 6014 4452



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