The offer is valid till 30 Apr 2025, while stocks last.
The offer is non-transferable, non-refundable and non-exchangeable for cash.
If you return any item purchased under the offer, such that your order would not have met the offer terms, the offer will not apply.
If you violate any terms and conditions of the offer, the offer will be invalid.
Not valid with other promotions, privileges, discount cards and promotional vouchers, whichever is applicable.
Dell reserves the right to modify or cancel the offer at any time without prior notice or liability to you.
SAFRA is not liable for any loss of personal data resulting from any provision of personal data by the individual to the merchant for the purpose of using their service or product.
SAFRA is not an agent of the merchant. Any dispute regarding the quality or service standard must be resolved directly with the respective merchants. SAFRA will not assume any liability or responsibility for the acts of the merchants or any defects in products or services offered in the promotion.