23 Ubi Road 4, Level 1, Singapore 408620
Ariston is the leading and most international brand in the Ariston Group, the one thought to spread the new concept of "Home of sustainable comfort", highlighting the consumer’s daily life needs together with the commitment to develop sustainable solutions. Born in Fabriano, Italy, in 1960, Ariston is now the Italian global expert of the heating and hot water sectors. Ariston brings comfort to the houses of millions of families in the world every day, it satisfies the needs of all types of consumers. Ariston is the consumer’s preferred professional partner providing excellent quality products characterized by advanced performance. Thanks to an iconic Italian style and to a wide range of reliable products, Ariston delivers to consumers renewable and energy efficient solutions, smart, connected services with elevated technologies in order to become the Master of comfortable homes and to take care of the consumer’s house and of the Planet, our ultimate home.
Audio House Building
23 Ubi Road 4, Level 1, Singapore 408620
Operating Hours: 12pm - 9pm daily
Tel: 6841 2122
Email: info.sg@ariston.com
Website: www.ariston.com/en-sg